About us
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Just Us...

A continuous search for social value; Degree in Law, Specialization (SSPL), some years in a law office, for then realize that to carry out her life plan it was necessary to start from the essential. Change her point of view. Giving new shape of things rediscovering the authentic value of people and the environment to achieve together important, pure goals. She found in the Loggia a place where she could express her personality and share projects to become together what you believe.


Our travel companion, central element of our team; the one who always brings us back to the simple, to the true, to the essential. A guide, a guardian and a faithful companion.




A place that takes the form of a dream, a dream that takes the form of a place. A degree in Law, a passion for nature, a continuous research… Feelings and memories that must necessarily be consolidated and handed down, a house in the countryside that grandparents loved to share. The Loggia becomes a place of sharing, of respect for nature, for work and for people. A place where you can take your time and where you can dedicate your time; where you can find yourself alone among the vineyards or among the deafening noises of work tools. Find himself to be able to give to the others, to other.